Sunday 15 June 2014

Day 11 - 9 June - Roadside Camp by Dry Creek Bed to Leichardt Falls - 65 km

The wind had died down in the evening but was back in full force in the morning.  We packed up had breakfast and were on the road by 8:00.  By 10:30 we had done 40 km and had a brief stop for a muesli bar and then did another 20 km.

Stopped for lunch, 2 boiled eggs and a short nap. We thought we had another 15 km to go but after 5 km we were at Leichardt Falls.  Not enough water in the river for the falls to be running, but the river still looked good.

 After setting up we had a read and a sleep and separately went exploring.  Joe found a good rock pool that didn't seem to have any crocs in it so we had a bit of a wash. (Pictures withheld to protect the sensitive)

Went for a bit of a walk around the falls and could see some half metre fish swimming around. Wish I had a fishing rod.

Had a chat with some of the other campers.  One of the was using opera house traps to get red claw and another type of yabbie.  He'd got a few.

This would be incredible in the wet.

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