Sunday 22 June 2014

Day 23 - 21 June - Daly Waters Pub to Larrimah Pub - 92 km

Up early despite the late night because we wanted to get most of the ride to Larrimah done before the sun was going full bore.  Even though the map had said there was a general store in Daly Waters, there wasn't so we had to get breakfast at the pub. We had the best breakfast wrap I've had, but slow on service, but worth the wait.

A few more quirky things at Daly Waters pub.

This was all the caravans lined up like sardines as we left.

First 20 km was easy, then the wind picked up.  Mostly a cross wind, but sometimes a headwind.  Chris, Trevor and Jill caught up with us about the 38 km mark and topped up our water bottles with Melbourne water and gave us some fruit cake.  Great to see them.  Glad they did not panic.

Kept pedalling and saw a strange sight in the distance...a cyclist coming the other way so we stopped and had a chat.  He was Matthew a teacher from Pennsylvania USA and decided to spend his break cycling from Darwin to Adelaide.  Crazy man, doesn't he have anything better to do.  What he didn't know was that it would be mainly against the wind.  Matthew looked very fit though and had planned to go from Katherine to Daly Waters in one day, 170 km.  He was on a Cannondale MTB and didn't seem to have much gear.

 Got to Larrimah Pub about 12:30.  The pub is the only thing in Larrimah and was once the officers mess during WW11.  It is called the Pink Panther pub and also has a zoo.  Lots of potential, but it was full of half done jobs, nothing particularly clean and the animals in the zoo looked depressed.  Lots of birds, snakes and a few crocs.  The owner looks after the birds and a new manager had been there for 2 weeks.  She has a few French girls and a number of back packers working to improve the place, but it is a major job.
 Liked the triple bike.

We had dinner there and were surprised with how good the food was.  Lamb cutlets followed by mango crepes and ice cream curtesy of one of the French girls.

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